«Dance the spring!» tour on the road again

On August 12, French choreographer Thierry Thieû Niang returns to Québec and Ottawa to make our elders and our youth “Dance the spring in summer!”

Montréal, August 1, 2017 – After his remarkable visit to Montréal’s Place des Arts last May, Thierry Thieû Niang had to interrupt his tour for health reasons. He will return to Québec (St-Jean-Port-Joli, Paspébiac, Pikogan, Kitscisakik, Rouyn-Noranda) via Ottawa from August 12th to September 3rd. All the participants and partners of Cinédanse, producer of the tour, will be deligthed of this good news. The choreographer will even be back in Montréal to continue his workshops with May participants.

Wanted: young people, register now!

We are still looking for young people aged 20 and under everywhere, except in Ottawa. Sign up for our free workshops by emailing us, with your name, age and phone number, at: info@7a2g9abnpa.preview.infomaniak.website

A unique opportunity for young people to work with an inspiring artist who gives another tone to dance.

New dates

In each community visited, the powerful documentary film “Autumn’s spring” will be screened featuring the choreographer and a group of elders from Marseilles. This film, charged with humanity, nourished the approach of the producer of Cinédanse, Sylvain Bleau : “I imagined this tour, which marries young people with the elders, to question our relationship to the old days and the links to be rebuilt between these two generations”. At the end of each screening, there will be citizen exchanges between the choreographer, guests and the public.

Note that the director Béatriz Mediavilla from Rouyn-Noranda (Dance with Them, 2014) will join the choreographer on tour.



For more information about our host cities, communities and partners, please visit here.

All the details about these free screenings: here.


August 12-14 Studio de Fleuve Espace Danse

projection lundi 14 août 19h


August 16-18 Salle Multi du Centre culturel


August 21-23 Studio ODD, Arts’ Court

|Montréal return

August 24-26 Studio F, Place des Arts

|Kitscisakik et Pikogan

August 28-31


September 1-3 Centre d’exposition

logos juillet 2017


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