Cinédanse Ottawa is postponed: new dates to be announced this spring

Jil Guyon (New York City) in her film Ghosts shooted in the hearth of Time Square

Press release – for immediate release

Cinédanse Ottawa is postponed to next year

Montréal, Wednesday, July 11, 2018 – The next edition of Cinédanse, scheduled to take place September 5-9, 2018, in Ottawa, is postponed to next year in order to ensure its complete funding. New festival dates will be announced next spring.

Almost ready to unveil the name of the inspiring female choreographer who would open the festival, producer Sylvain Bleau declared: ” Supported by my Board of Directors, I have decided to make Ottawa wait one more year, in order to better finalize the financial structure of the event. I thank all of our partners for their understanding and of course the artists already programmed, local and from abroad. People of Ottawa, we are postponing the event to give you a better chance to discover our mutant dances rooted in the community, at the heart of new territories and new practices. ”

After bringing Cinédanse to Montréal in 2012 and Québec City in 2015, the third edition of our Cinédanse festival will make you enter the new complex formed by the modernized Arts Court, the new Ottawa Art Gallery and the new theater the LabO, right at the heart of Ottawa’s bustling Downtown Rideau.

Stay tuned, new dates for Cinédanse Ottawa 2019 will be announced this fall!

Thanks to our partners

ODD Ottawa Dance Directive, University of Ottawa’s Theater Department and its LabO, Ottawa Art Gallery, SAW Video Media Center, Ottawa School of Dance, and the Arts Court.

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Tamar Rogoff and participants at La Maison pour la danse in Québec City. Credits: Journal de Québec

During her visit in Québec City and Montréal, Tamar Rogoff (NYC) touched and inspired through workshops addressing motor disorders

“ A must see! I am not artistic at all and enjoyed it so much. Accessible to everyone. Tamar Rogoff is very generous of her time. She changed my perspective on dance and opened my mind to innovative ways to approaching motor/coordination disorders, as well as other neurological conditions. Thank you Tamar Rogoff. ”

Karine Lévesque, mother of young Nathan

While visiting Maison pour la danse in Québec City, and Les Grands Ballets Canadiens’ studios in Montréal from May 19 to 25, New York choreographer Tamar Rogoff was inspiring for many during free workshops organized by Cinédanse. There were more than sixty moms, dads accompanied by their children with motor disorders, physiotherapists, doctors, psychologists, social workers and many female dance professionals participating in Tamar’s workshops.

In addition, more than 250 people got together in Québec City and Montréal – during the International Symposium on Dance and Well-Being organized by the National Centre for Dance Therapy – to watch the powerful documentary Enter the Faun. This documentary tells the fascinating encounter between the choreographer and the young comedian Gregg Mozgala with cerebral palsy. Through a long and creative studio process, Tamar has allowed Gregg to reinvent his way of moving and has changed his life.

By her unusual approach and her thoughtful teachings, Tamar moved every single workshop participant as well as those viewing the documentary. An impressive majority of them sensed that Tamar has brought them hope, opened new avenues and allowed them to take a glimpse of completely new possibilities. Furthermore, isn’t the testimony of young Nathan’s mother, quoted above, both who came to meet Tamar at the Maison pour la danse of Québec City, a profoundly eloquent one?

For more information on Tamar’s process, we invite you to watch Tamar and Gregg’s InnovateMED conference they gave at Columbia University Medical Center as well as the article Modifying the effects of cerebral palsy: the Gregg Mozgala story by Dr Leon Chaitow (ND, DO) >>>

Finally, Sylvain Bleau strongly suggests that health and rehabilitation professionals, psychologists and others interested in adding to their practice read on the fascinating works by the Norwegian Gerda Boyesen, who developed biodynamic psychology in the wake of Wilhelm Reich. Throughout her long career, this researcher and dedicated practitioner, a great woman of psychology still unknown in America, has explored the techniques of peristalsis and releases of tension which she calls vegetative discharges. Many aspects of these self-regulation mechanisms are an echo to some First Nations’ ancestral practices, and, according to Sylvain Bleau, to the valuable discoveries Tamar Rogoff has experimented through the creation process with Gregg.

Thanks to our volunteers, partners and donors !

Cinédanse wishes to thank all its valued volunteers, partners and donors for making Tamar Rogoff’s visit to Québec City and Montréal possible in May. Thanks to your enthusiasm and commitment, you give us energy and the deep desire to bring her back to Québbec and elsewhere in Canada. Do not hesitate to contact us to communicate your interest!

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Cinédanse Ottawa 2019

Arts Court + Ottawa Art Gallery + LabO
Ottawa (Ontario) Canada

Cinédanse festival and all of our projects are produced by La Caravane de Phoebus.


Source | Press relations
Anthony Charbonneau
(581) 305-6525 |